
I love games. One of my all time favorites is Sorry and this is why: Even if it looks like you are destined to lose, you might end up the winner.

For example, today I was playing Sorry and eating sugar cookies with my oldest (The Social Guy) and my youngest (The Brainiac). They each had three of their pawns at home with only one more pawn to go. I, on the other hand, had three pawns at start and only one home. Guess who won? ME!

Because Sorry is just like 'life'....sometimes it might look and feel like you're losing, but you just can't tell how, when, or where you'll end the game.


Andrea said...

I LOVE the game, Sorry!! For awhile, Meg and I were really into the Disney Sorry game. I remember the times the whole family would play and we were laughing throughout the whole is true, you never know how the game will turn out, BUT it is so much fun playing :) Thanks for the reminder of the good times!! I am smiling :)