Fat Suck

I'm a total fan of the show Biggest Loser.  I find the whole thing inspiring and amazing!  It's cool how these people go from being so over weight to being athletes and it always makes me want to work out even harder.  (I've even been known to tuck a tiny version of Jillian in my pocket, just in case I start to wimp out so she can kick my ass.)

One of the things Nathan and I have noticed is something we call the 'Fat Suck'.  Here's the thing about loosing weight, the fat doesn't come off in a nice even layer.  It comes off in weird places.  In fact, I think people actually look even worse as they are loosing weight because of this 'Fat Suck' thing.  I was going to wear my yoga pants today and instead of my nice, rounded, shapely ass and thighs...I have "Fat Suck."  Which is great, right?


Anonymous said...

ugh, hate fat suck. mine tends to be in the sides of my stomach . . . while the middle of it never changes causing this weird bubble
