
I've got a great two day start on Phase 3 going on and you know what happened today after I was *done* weight lifting?  I figured a few things out:

First, I'm not going to comply with the 'no complaining about weight lifting' part of my plan and I'm okay with that.

Second, part of the reason I don't like the weight lifting and swimming part of my current journey is that I have no concrete goals with it.  I have no idea how to set a goal with weight lifting or swimming.  It's easy for me to set goals when running or biking.  I can either decrease my time or increase my mileage.  What kind of goals does one set for weight lifting?  It's not like I want to become a body builder or anything.  I could care less if I can pump the twenty-one pounders when doing bicep curls.  Yeah, I know that's probably not 'body building' poundage - but I've never researched it, so I wouldn't know.  Sure with swimming I could try to get in more laps every time I swim, but read on...

This is the ultimate reason why I'm just not a fan of weightlifting and swimming: 

I actually *have* to pay attention.  I have to count reps and sets or I have to watch a clock that's close to the ceiling at the pool and count laps. 

Well, I get bored counting.  I like to get lost in my head.  Lord knows I can stay in my own mind for days on end.  When I used to take time out of my day to hop on the bike or pound some pavement I wouldn't really have to pay attention.  I could have a million things going on in my brain and I could pause, stop, and re-play them all at will.  Sure I'd have to pay more attention when mountain biking, but even then I had a trail that I knew well enough I could just let go (Yay Murphy medium trail!).  The physical part of exercising isn't enough for me.  I NEED to find away to get that mental break.


Adam said...

Do anything long enough, and it becomes mindless.

I really doubt that your first few days of running, or riding that trail, were the mindless getaway that you're searching for now.

Soon enough, you'll be lifting something, planning your weekend and all of a sudden you'll hear yourself in your head saying, "25. Switch."

~The M.F.P. said...

I'll keep that in mind and hope hope hope you're right.