For the Love of the Band

I love Rock Band.  I'm pretty sure I'm not part of the 'normal' demographics Harmonix is thinking of when they made the game, but here I avid fan of the game.

We started with the original Rock Band, in fact I can remember the day we bought it.  Nathan's niece was staying over for a few days and the kids thought it would be fun to pitch their money together and buy it.  They were a bit short on cash and since I wasn't at all opposed to the idea of getting the game I sent a few texts to Nathan and next thing you know....we've got Rock Band!

One of the things I like best about the game is that Nathan and I can play with just the two of us, we can play with the kids, or we can invite a house full of people over and still have a great time.  Even though I love the game, it's not a game I like to play by myself.  For me, Rock Band was *made* to be shared.

Over the years, we've gotten to the point where we'd worn out our instruments.  Originally we had bought the game for the Wii, but we've had a few problems with our Wii.  The biggest problem was during Christmaspalooza (a multi-day Christmas event we hold with my sister and her husband).  During the Christmas celebration we attempted the Endless Song Set List 2 several times.  Each time we were deep into the set of 84 (Yes, you read that right, 84!) songs the Wii would freeze.  We were relentless....but it didn't matter.  We were beat by the Wii every time we tried to complete the set.  Now we're not insane, so eventually we quit trying to accomplish the impossible.  But there it was, in the back of my mind, that damn Endless Song Set List 2....just waiting to be out done.

Fast forward to last Spring and rumors of Rock Band 3 being released for the Holidays.  I could not wait!  Due to the whole Wii freeze thing, we ditched the idea of investing more money into Rock Band for the Wii.  I saved my spare change and we bought a PS3, plus the Rock Band 2 bundle so we could get brand new instruments.  Best-decision-ever!  Our band was back in business.

Rockband 3 comes out at midnight on Tuesday.  I have our copy reserved and I'm totally psyched to pick it up.  Still in the back of my head is that lingering question: "Can we beat the Endless Song Set List 2?"  Of course we didn't actually have that Set List unlocked on the PS3 yet, but I still thought about it.

On Friday night Kelsey, Nathan, and I were playing Rockband.  I was lost in my head imagining a 'Rock Band room' in my dream house.  It would be complete with a stage, huge tv, kick butt sound system, and an awesome light show! And guess what?  We unlocked the Endless Song Set List 2.  I took a picture of the tv with my phone and texted it to my sister.

 (I love how it says, "Best of luck with that.")

Right away she called me and we made a date to tackle it Saturday night.  Time wasn't exactly on our side, but we really wanted to beat the game before Rock Band 3 came out.  With snacks made, caffeine in hand, and kids ready to switch out with us, by 9:00 Saturday night we started the first of 84 songs.

The first twenty songs went pretty good and by the time we got half way there we started to slow down a bit.  The older kids went to bed at about 2:00 and we got to the last three songs at about 4:40 in the morning.  We were losing steam fast, but we only had three more songs to go.  We can do it!

The third to the last song in the set is called Visions by Abnormality.  We were feeling pretty confident.  We'd already beat Master Exploder and knew we could beat Pain Killer, how hard could this one be?  Apparently it was unbelievably hard.  By 5:30 we still hadn't beaten it.  Kelsey had even gotten up and out of bed to try to help us out.  It was no use, we were done.  We decided on a couple hours of sleep and maybe we'd try again in the 'morning'?  We paused the PS3 and went to bed, full of caffeine and feeling completely defeated.  Hours later it was decided that my sister and her hubby would go home.  They had things to do and so did we.  There was just no way we could beat the game.  The PS3 was left on pause all day.  I didn't have the heart to turn it off.

We spent the rest of the day cleaning the house, playing RISK, and being bummed out about our game.  Maybe we'd try it again, but I knew we probably wouldn't.  Just before dinner Matt decided he'd at least take a look at the song.  He wasn't willing to take our word for it that the song was unbeatable.  He grabbed a guitar and started plucking away.  He made it through 8% of the song.  Kelsey started getting excited and they asked Nathan if he'd give it one more shot.  He said sure.  We ended up with me on the bass, Nathan rocking the guitar, Kelsey banging on the drums, and Matt kicking out the vocals.  We beat the song.  The last two songs were a piece of cake and I'm actually proud to say we BEAT THE ENDLESS SONG SET LIST 2!

(And yes, I know that this blog probably puts me in the 'crazy' category...but I'm also a lot of fun and I'm okay with a little crazy and a lot of fun.  Oh, and do you have your copy of Rock Band 3 reserved yet?


Jen said...

I really like Rock Band as well, but I have no idea what this Endless Song List 2 is. Is it something you have to do without a save? Why does it have to be on pause?

You're not crazy. I understand those important accomplishments. Guitar Hero is more my thing and at some point I figured out that you could get not only 5 stars, but 5 GOLD stars, by playing the song perfect 100%. And guitar hero guitaring is harder than Rock Band guitaring, by the way. So there I was cursing and sweating trying to play songs PERFECT, until my husband said, "Are you even having fun?"

~The M.F.P. said...

Jen, the Endless Song Set List 2 is an 84 song set that you do without being able to save until you're done with all 84 songs. You *can* pause the game (which we did), but if you do it without pausing you get the "Steel Bladder" award...maybe some day?

Jen said...

Wow. I wish I didn't know about it! I love a good video game challenge. I don't think I could pull an all nighter, though. You have impressive stamina.