Headbands and High School

I have a friend who posted this on Facebook awhile back:

"Would you wear this? I'm going through a major headband stage. Too gaudy?"

Her Facebook friends then chimed in: It would have to be with the *right* outfit. I don't know if you can pull it off. and one even said, "Somehow I cannot see you in this headband." (even I posted, "I don't think I could get away with it.")

It got me thinking. Why on earth could I not get away with wearing this headband? I have black and red hair for Pete's sake! And why does my friend think she should ask others if she could do it? Of cousre she could wear it and she's look damn good in it too!

I think it's because as we grow up we are "given" our role in life. I felt that my role was the girl who just never quite fit in. I didn't feel like a total loser, but some how I just wasn't really well liked either. I never felt like I could just be myself and I don't even think I ever knew who I was. But, after thirty-some years I'm beginning to figure it all out.

Some parts of myself have been easy for me to figure out. For example, I like my hair better when it is longer then when it is shorter. I like to do funky things with my hair. I like to write. I like to cook. I love music and playing RockBand. I like art. I think I may even be a bit artistic. I also know that my perfect day would include making as many people smile on that day as humanly possible.

So my question to you is: What makes you tick? Have you found the person you really are or are you still searching? I'm still searching, but I think I have a fabby head start!


Anonymous said...

I'm still searching girl...but everytime I think I have it figured out life throws me another curve ball.

And by the way...I must have missed that post because I would have said go for it...theres nothing wrong with an excentric headband;)

K.M. O'Sullivan said...

As a child we ask many questions.
As a teen we think we have all the answers.
As a yound adult we realize there is much we don't know.
As an adult (whenever that it) we happily accept we never did have all the answers, we don't really need to know everything, and that many of our answers may have been completely wrong but they worked at the time.

Stop searching for who you are and just be. That is the best gift one can give to themselves and those they love.

But continue blogging and talking and sharing as you embrace what is beautiful to all who know you.


Betty said...

Ok, You asked what makes me tick?
Here are a few things that make me tick, the love of my family , the joy I get from my friend's, and living every moment as if it was my last. we all never now where or who we are but when you live life to the fullest every day it doesnt matter if you ever figure out who you are . life is always a lesson you never stop learning tell the day you die, which i beleave even then you do not stop learning because the legacey you leave be hind will always grow and learn every day . ( in our children and friends). So the best advice i can give you my dear friend is that live every day as you last and charish every monent as if you will never cherish again. love you alway me