Dear Brett Farve and Randy Moss;

I would have liked it if the two of you would have co-ordinated coming to Minnesota together this year. You see, even though I'm a Viking fan, Brett Farve...You have *always* been my Football Quarterback Crush. How many times were the Packers loosing by a field goal or a touch down and the winning team (usually the Vikes) gave you just over a minute left on the clock? And do you know what I screamed at the tv every time? "YOU SCORED TOO EARLY! YOU IDIOTS! YOU CAN *NOT* GIVE BRETT FARVE THAT MUCH TIME!" Brett Farve, you might just be the perfect 'Minute Man'.

..and as far as receivers go: Randy Moss all the way baby! The jump, the toe scrape to stay in-bound, the freaky speed, the hands, the hanging of the gloves from his face-mask, the hair, how can you go wrong with corn-rows or the afro?! (Can we just forget about the slightly bad behavior?) I will always *heart* you Randy Moss...

So, I know it's too late for this year, but I know Brett ain't done playing and Randy deserves a real quarterback, an awesome defense, and fantastic offensive line, plus a few other 'stars' to take the heat off. So, whatdaya say boys, next year?