Where the Wild Things Are

Warning: Spoiler Alert!

Our family watched "Where The Wild Things Are" last night.  It was a movie I was anticipating watching.  I spent the summer seeing the pre-views for it and each time I saw them I would get choked up.  I had hopes that the whole movie would reach inside my soul and move me, like the pre-views did.

Well it did.  For me the movie was heart wrenching, emotional, and yes...moving.  The biggest thing I took from the movie was a lesson I try to teach my children.  It's a lesson I have yet to learn, but I'm still trying.  It's that 'you' are not in charge of anyone's happiness, but your own.

I'm not a king.  I don't have a "double re-cracker that can crack through anything in the universe and that's the most powerful thing ever.  Period.  Done."  I'm also out of "sadness shields" and I'm unable to make everyone want to sleep in "the pile" or stay "with us forever".  I can't make everyone get along.  I can't make people play nice or by the rules.  And even though I want a big, huge fort where everyone can be together...there are times I would like a small room of my own too.  It's also true that I like some Wild Things more then others.


Gastenator said...

Thanks for your interpretation of the movie--I like to hear other people's "take" on things.

Your blog post has actually spawned something I've been thinking about for quite some time. Rather than take up your blog to do that, I think I will just create my own blog post about it.

Thanks! :)