Two Faced

I've been completely moved by a friend's blog.  She talked about how she is going through her closet and getting rid of anything that doesn't make her feel great.  I was so inspired.  I decided I would go through my closet too.  As I threw (well over) two garbage bags of clothes on the floor, I realized that I am 'in love' with two completely different styles of clothes:

Style number one:  Jeans and a nice shirt/t-shirt.  I can dress it up with accessories and I can go any where or every where wearing them.    

But then there's this inner part of's the part that loves to be the 'Mother Freakin' Princess'.  It's the part of me who wants to look like this every day:

The question is: How the hell do I get these two very different parts of me to go together?!?!?


Andrea said...

I think that we have more than one part to us....sometimes I feel one way and sometimes I feel another way. It is okay to like more than one style and it is okay to own even several styles....our moods change :) Don't limit yourself and don't get caught up in having to define yourself in just one way :)

Anonymous said...

I am so the same way. I love my jeans and polo for weeks. Then all of a sudden I want to be so glamorous. It is always a park day too. I have totally gone to the park sooo over dressed. I say Live It and love it. All of it.