
I have a few collections. Okay, I have several odd collections. One of my favorite collections is of floor cleaners. You see, I own five of them. They all have different purposes. Some are for the hard floors, some for the carpet. I have a couple that are for getting into the tight cracks and corners, and some are made specifically for sucking up dog hair.

You see, I can't help myself. I go into the store and somehow find my way to the floor cleaning mechanisms aisle and next thing you know I've got some sort of cleaning deal in my cart. You see, there *has* to be the perfect machine out there. The one that will clean both hard and carpeted floors. One that will steam clean stains out of the carpet and vacuum dog hair all at once. This machine will get into the cracks and crevasses, without any attachments. It will be light weight and be able to suck up a small child.

I'll admit, I've actually been talked out of the floor cleaning aisle more then once...apparently some people don't think I *need* another appliance to clean the floor. Oh, but I do. One of the top things on my Christmas list this year is a Little Green Machine :)

So, what kinds of things do you collect?


It's Better... said...

OMG! I collect shrimp forks from fancy restaurants. And just last night I added an itty bitty cute spoon to my collection. P.F. Changs doesn't mind!