If You Buy The MFP a New Screen Door...

If you buy The MFP a new screen door (which she has wanted for the last five years!)...She will want to paint the old metal door a really fabulous red color so the whole front of the house looks super cool.

So her husband will buy her a small can of really fabulous red paint.

If she gets ready to paint the door a really fabulous red color, she will notice the trim on the door is awful and will want to paint that too.

If she wants to paint the trim, she will catch on to the fact that she cannot paint it the really fabulous red color. The trim will need to be painted white. She plans to send her husband to the store for some white paint. (Her husband needs to go because The MFP has not showered yet for the day. Nor has she done her hair/make-up. Her husband has a shaved head and so he automatically wins the "gets - to - go - to - the - store - for - paint - this - morning" award.)

If she wants to paint the trim on the front door, she will realize that the garage door trim should also be painted. The garage door trim is a mess.

Before she paints the trim, she also recognizes the trim must be scraped of loose, old paint, and then cleaned so the bright new paint will adhere. She will get the husband to test out his old wire brush and see if his old wire brush will be okay for getting off the loose paint. Her husband will then realize that his old wire brush will be too dirty for The MFP to use. He offers to buy her a new brush when he goes to get the white paint for the trim.

As her husband is off buying white paint and a sparkly new wire brush for The MFP, she will then get the idea that this is kind of funny and decide that this would be a good time to blog...

Tiaras and Tutus~


Gastenator said...

Rachel likes this. :)

Anonymous said...

this makes me want to be your shadow . . . don't worry, I'll close my eyes and plug my ears during the naughty bits :)

~The M.F.P. said...

Jenny, you make me giggle!