Face Lift

Dear Readers, Followers, Friends, Family, Fans, and the occasional stranger who stumbles across my blog:

I've been thinking about it for awhile now...my blog needs a face lift. Granted it has served it's purpose of giving my readers a deeper understanding of who I am, where I come from, and maybe even a slight vision of where I am going (oh, and if you have figured out the "where I am going" part *please* email me!). BUT my blog is lacking a big part of me, the humorous part. So my goal this month is to see my life through one of those carnival mirrors. You know the ones, the mirrors that pretty much distort everything they reflect in a comical and completely ridiculous way. So here's to August, may it be filled with laughter, love, hot weather, and a new look at life!

hugs and crap~


Anonymous said...

Change is awesome and crap!