An Ode to Facebook

ah Facebook....I love you Facebook. You have given me such a great tool to communicate with friends and even make a few new ones. Every day feels like the best party ever. You never know what is going to happen, or who will say what, but I am guaranteed a lol, a giggle, a *snort*, and usually a few lmao, rofl, and some pixie dust! But sometimes life is not a party and sometimes one of us needs a hug or a virtual cookie...and even when I can't be there to comfort a friend face to face, hug to hug, I know that I can always send a little love <3, or a Mafia Wars Energy pack.

:::Captian Obvious arrives on the scene::: Well, MFP, it's all about participation. If your friends didn't post and comment on every one's statuses then Facebook would be a boring place in cyberspace and you would spend even more time playing Bejeweled Blitz then mentally or physically healthy. :::Captain Obvious leaves:::

Thanks Captain Obvious....and thanks to Facebook and my all Facebook friends...Party On!

(special thanks to the Lil' Sissy for letting me borrow Captain Obvious...)


Meagneato said...

We sure do laugh ALOT together, whether it's in person, over email, or through Facebook.
While most of my interactions on Facebook are with my closest friends, the other day my heart swelled when I said I needed hugs. Close friends, distant friends, college friends, high school friends, old friends, new friends,friends I haven't heard from in months, sent me fairy dust, bunny hugs, robot hugs, butterfly hugs, eskimo kisses, and so much more! Who knew that such a simple request would bring such a response?
I <3 Facebook!

It's Better... said...

I <3 Captain Obvious. He's my favorite Super Hero of all time. And *obviously* he's hot!

To Meagan, I got goose bumps reading your comment. See sometimes I am feeling lonely, sad, frustrated, whatever. And I need hugs. But I'm usually not brave enough to ask for them. I loved that you asked for something you needed, and those who love you responded!