Dear Bejeweled Blitz;

I know I've only been with you for a few months and while I find your "minute man" mentality severely addicting you must know that I am struggling to stay in love with you. You see I have a very competitive nature and I yearn to be victorious and at the top of the leader board of all my friends. I have always felt that if I had just a little more then one damn minute I could win that weekly tournament *at least* once. Maybe with more then one minute of action I could eventually claim that coveted number one spot!

So I must tell you that I've been seeing someone else. He's a lot like you. He looks similar to you but with slightly different coloring and yeah, the sounds are a bit off. BUT...his game lasts longer then a minute, you know what I mean? It's long enough to keep me interested but not so long I end up with carpel tunnel. I can really get into the game and what do you know....I'm now a top scorer :)

Don't worry my Dear Bejeweled Blitz I'll be back, because there's nothing like a quickie in the middle of the afternoon...

Tiaras and Tutus~


Gastenator said...

Is that "jewel puzzle"?

Anonymous said...

LOVE Jewel Puzzle because of you ladies!
MFP . . . always keep your quickie around. Smart lady you.

Meagneato said...

I now know what I'm going to be doing the rest of the day! Thanks Jewel Puzzle! :)