She Can Be Taught

Yes, it's true.  I can learn a lesson or two.  This week I am learning the lesson of taking care of myself when I get a cold.  You see, last time I got a cold I didn't slow down.  I didn't drink nice warm tea, or up my fruits, take my vitamins, or get extra rest.  I just kept plowing through my day.  I felt unstoppable.  It was as though I had a huge sign on my chest announcing: "I will not be beat by some damn cold!"  Slowly as the week wore on I ended up sicker and sicker.  Finally the cold over took me.  I ended up on the couch in the fetal position, crying like a baby because I was sick, I had too much to do, and mostly I just hate being sick.  I was sick for a much longer time period then I needed to be.

Well, I got a cold this week and guess what?  I'm taking it easy.  I've had baths.  I'm sipping warm tea.  I'm getting extra rest.  I've upped my fruit intake.  I've asked for help getting my kids where they need to go and told them if I can't get them rides they will just be staying home for now.  They've been okay with that.  I've been okay with moving more slowly and taking it easier.  I've been okay asking for help with meal prep and dishes.  And while I am still fighting symptoms of a cold, mentally I am doing much better :)


Andrea said...

Lovely :) Way to go!