The Search Continues

I'm doing my best to find out 'exactly' who I am.  Which is odd in itself because I feel that most people grow and change.  So reality is that I will never know 'exactly' who I am.  Sometimes we are forced into a period of growth and other times we just find ourselves there.  

I am constantly growing.  For example, even just a few months ago I had sworn off coconut for-ev-er, *knowing* that I hated it.  I hate the way it tasted.  I hate the texture of it.  (Oh, but I do kinda like the smell of it.)  WAIT!!!  I hate coconut!  And then...I decided that I'm not against trying things with coconut in them.  I am not about limiting myself, even to things I *knew* were true about me.  And you know what?  I had changed.  I can say that I have actually enjoyed things with coconut in them.  Weird, I like coconut?!?!

So don't pin me down, don't judge me for this or that, and please...please don't tell me you know me or what you think I am or what I like or don't like....because you just never know - hell, I don't even know!


K.M. O'Sullivan said...

Kepp looking for who you are, but don't be surprised if the answer is elusive. If we could define ourselves would we want to be limited to that definition? The joy is in the journey. I enjoy watching yours.

Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion, you can never "find" yourself . . . because that suggests an end - a completion. And without any real knowledge I'd say that even after physical death there isn't a completion. A migration, a transmutation - maybe. But not an end. Keep pushing out the walls of who you are and changing the shape of your soul. This is your never ending artwork - your masterpiece. The rest of us are just blessed to see it take shape.

~The M.F.P. said...

I think that is exactly what I am finally figuring out. Is that there is no end to finding myself, but I am starting to really enjoy the journey. I have truly loved expanding my boundaries and seeking out 'me' - how ever elusive I am :)

Andrea said...

I love what you all had to say ~beautiful! Right now I am enjoying getting to know myself a little better - becoming my own friend, so to speak. I am truly loving choosing to spend more time with me and discovering more about myself.

It's Better... said...

I like the act of finding out more about my likes and dislikes. I think sometimes we just think "Oh, I already know that about myself." But we don't take the time to actively form an opinion or a favoritism. Your journey is our journey too. I love hearing about the things you are discovering!

Goofy Mama said...

I loved this post. I think this is probably true for most of us.