The Mother Freakin' Sleep Over

I know! I know! I know! "What happens at the MFP's house...stays at the MFP's house." BUT...I have to let the world know that I have the most amazing, beautiful, fun friends in the whole universe.

I have friends that will dance with bunnies, draw on bodies, sing with giant spoons, sport a new "do", dance in my living room, try on sundresses, bring delicious food, kick my arse, and read directions when I no longer can. My friends will sit on the front step in the wee hours of the morning, take fun pictures, giggle, share secrets, paint fingernails, and sprinkle each other with glitter. These gals will do yoga and ballet on my sidewalk, try new things (sometimes more then once - just to make sure they don't like it), plus bring me flowers and candles that give me fond memories of my grandma. They will guess how many vacuums I own, let me fall asleep on their lap, and leave love notes around my house to find when I wake up.

This is what my life is all about. It's about not being afraid to share who I am and letting people share themselves with me. To my friends who made it to the Mother Freakin' Sleepover....I love you! To my friends who could not come....I love you and missed you!


It's Better... said...

I love that they brought you Peonies too... Grandma was the first thing I thought of when I saw them.

I am so proud of you for opening up and getting to know people. You are amazing for putting yourself out there. Friendships are wonderful!