No Apologies!

WARNING! Some of you will read this and say, "must be rough..." I know this because someone already said that to me this week. So I am starting out this blog by refusing to apologize for my life. I refuse to apologize for the fact that I am a stay-at-home mom, instead of a career mom. I refuse to apologize for homeschooling my kids, instead of sending them to school. I refuse to apologize for having a husband who works from home, instead of spending fifty plus hours a week at work. I refuse to apologize for being over-weight, instead of thin. I refuse to apologize....period.

This has been a typical week for us:

Monday at the beach, with friends.
Tuesday at the river, with friends.
Wednesday, at a friends house for science co-op. (Yes, we are still doing school. At our house we finish the course before moving on and I refuse to apologize.)
Thursday at the park with friends, plus grilling dinner at the park with husbands when they are done with work.

Considering the fact that the kids and I have been using the house as "base camp" this week, it is no wonder that I have had a hard time keeping up with the household chores. Sure I've done some dishes and tossed some laundry in the washer and dryer, but tonight it hit me. Mount St. Laundry is about as big as it gets. I am pretty sure the only clean dishes we have left are the big serving spoons and a few large Tupperware containers. The bathrooms have sand on the floor and my plants are drooping and begging for water. So what do I do? I look at my husband and I say....

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry the laundry is out of control. I'm sorry the kitchen is a disaster. I'm sorry the entryway is piled high with towels and shoes. I'm sorry you've had to take care of the dogs. I'm even sorry I haven't shaved my legs all week. I'm sorry." and he says to me.....

"I'd rather have a girlfriend then a mom."

You see, apparently he's okay with a messy kitchen and having to find his own matching pair of socks sometimes, but he doesn't want us to stop having fun together. And after what we have been through lately that is the best thing I have heard in a long, long time. (Oh, by the way I did shave my legs, but the dishes are still piled to the ceiling!)


Meagneato said...

"I'd rather have a girlfriend then a mom."
I love this! What a man! :)

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful, beautiful comment. And I LOVE this refuse to apologize attitude. And I LOVE you!

Gastenator said...

I got happy chills reading this! :*)

~The M.F.P. said...

and I've been informed we are now out of serving spoons :)