East Coast Rocks

On a recent camping trip, the kids and I stopped at my sister's house to 'steal' some of her firewood.  We all got out of the truck and I asked the kids to start loading up the wood.  The kids had been mostly unhelpful in getting all our gear ready that morning, so I probably didn't really ask them to load the wood...it was more of an order.

My barefoot kids headed back toward the wood pile, slowly and uninspired.  The Brainiac, youngest of the three, started pouting first and The Artist was not too far behind.

Brainiac: "I don't want to get the wood."

Me: "Get the wood."

Brainiac (whining): "The rocks..."

Me (raising my voice): "I don't care about the rocks.  You should have put on your shoes and socks.  It's your own fault.  Now load up that wood!"

At this time The Social Guy started to throw wood out towards the other kids.  I stomped off back by the wood pile.  I grabbed a piece of wood and then I felt this searing prick on my ring finger.  I looked down and there was a wasp, stinging me:


I flicked the wasp off my finger and yelled at the kids, "GET OUT OF HERE! THERE ARE WASPS!  STAY AWAY FROM THE BACK YARD!"

We waited a few moments and I crept back to the wood.  I covered the pile and locked the gate.  My finger was swollen for the evening and we had a mostly uneventful camping trip.

A few days later I was re-telling my wasp story to a friend and Social Guy says, "We told you there were wasps."

Me: "No you didn't."

Social Guy: "Yes we did.  You told us to haul the wood anyways."

Me (flabbergasted): "No I didn't!  I wouldn't tell you to haul wood with wasps!"

Social Guy: "Yeah, Brainiac told you.  He said he didn't want to haul the wood because of the wasps."

Me (finally putting it all together): "Oh...I thought he said 'rocks'.  Wow, what kind of mom do you think I am to have you haul wood by wasps?"

Social Guy: "Well, we were kinda naughty that day."

(To my defense the youngest has a speech impediment that sounds very East Coast...wasps sounded a lot like rocks...very East Coast.)