The Inner Princess

As you can tell, I have an inner-princess. She's been with me my whole life. When I was young we were almost inseparable. It was difficult for people to tell us apart. Many times people would confuse me with her, saying things like "You are such a pretty princess." or "Just look at you in that dress, what a little princess you are." I didn't mind the mix-up. I always thought my princess was pretty freaking awesome and wished I was able to let her out every day. The older I got, the less people saw of her. It was time to grow up and become an adult. It was time to leave the dreams of big parties, fancy dresses, and prince charming behind me. But inside me, she still remained.

I've been letting my inner-princess out more often again. Wearing my tiara to classy places like Costco, Target, and play dates at the park. The reactions I get have been much more positive then I had imagined. People smile and some times make really cute comments. The fact that I can brighten someone's day just by wearing a tiara and smiling at them makes me giggle. It has started to make me think about our inner-selves. I am certain I am not the only one with something great inside of me. We all have it. We all have that super hero waiting to come out. We were made to be spectacular. We were made to do good things. I was born to be a princess, and all I want to know is what's inside of you? What kind of super hero do you have itching to get out? Let your freak flag fly and give your super hero a chance today :)